Philadelphia here I come!

So was working this morning and now I'm off to buy some food, print my tickets, return a book, borrow 2 new so I have something to do on the bus. Going take 2-3 hours to Philadelphia, then for the bus trip back from Washington on 4 hours. Cause the distance I'm traveling with Linda is probably just talking if I know us right! So the plan is Philly then Washington tomorrow and stay at a friends house in Washington till Sunday and then our long weekend are sadly over. But so happy I got off the whole friday and half of this thursday!  But now I have to charge my camera, pack and do some errands so off I go!
Take Care

Postat av: Mamma

Alltid är det ngt att förbereda. Hoppas det gick bra och att ni hade en härlig helg i Washington, tänkte lite extra mycket på dej den här helgen! pussar o kramar från mamma som älskar dej.

2010-10-25 @ 10:35:19

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