Do this, please! Come on...

Don't have the swedish keyboard so this is going to be in english, hope that wont be a problem.
I love my host family don't take me wrong, it's just that sometimes they drive me crazy. The kids: goes I don't want to do that, I hate that, I don't want to eat that, and so on. Today however was a good day! (Think I should mention that the bad days are few) They did there homework, it wasn't that much fight about it, think they are starting to realize that they can't get away with it, and they are getting used to the routine. They know the have to take five bites of the food, that they have to do their homework, okay sure I'm using treats and threats. Like if you do this I'm gonna have a dancecompetition with you or if you don't do this you're not having ice cream, and then your not having any icecream I know I'm such a bad guy! In the beginning they were trying to get away with it, but I'm trying to be consistent and someday they are gonna do as they supposed to without me losing my mind, but it's getting better!
Dave my host dad was driving the kids...
Jacob: Daddy can we stop for food?
Dave: No Jacob Linnea is home cooking some food for you so not today.
Jacob: Ueww, the only thing she does is swedish food and it's sooo bad!
Dave: but, yesterday she was making cheeseburgers for you...
Jacob: That's once, I'm sure she's gonna boil something disgusting! I want chicken patties, but she's not gonna do that.
Dave: Are you sure? We are not home yet...
This is how I have it, they make up their mind before even walking in the door, but guess, I made chicken patties!
And I get them to try new things and guess what, they actually like some of it!
So don't give up, if I can do it you can!
Take Care

Postat av: Mamma

Hej Pluttan!

Trägen vinner! Stå på dej och var konsekvent och det är ok att muta och hota. Kör ditt eget race på det som känns rätt. Du kan och orkar mer än du tror. Yes you can. :) /Mamma

2010-09-21 @ 11:04:53

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